The Geforce 210 is with a 589MHz core clock,up to 1066Mbps effective,perfect for working,video and photo editing,allows good fluency,which can effectively meet your needs.
PCI Express 2.0 interface,offers compatibility with a range of systems. Also includes VGA and HDMI outputs for expanded connectivity,supports up to 2 monitors.
The computer graphics cards is small in size and saves more space,easy to install,plug and play,you can build a compact PC system easily for slim/ITX chassis.
This low profile video card is good value option for entry level, if you just want basic upgrade graphics and daily simple work for your computer, or not be AAA gamer.
No external power supply and the all-solid-state capacitor keeps low power consumption and high performance,supports Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP(not compatible with windows 11).